Top 10: Books dealing with mental illness (guest post by Kim Baccellia)on Teen Librarian's Toolbox
My early years growing up in Sacramento were filled with lots of confusion and fear. At the time, I knew something wasn’t quite right with my father but the one time I did confine in a friend? I was labeled ‘bad’ and a bad example. Only later did I found out that most of the young women in my church were told to avoid me. As if you could catch what was happening in my home.
I felt so alone. My church wouldn’t help my family. Other people would avoid us as if we had the plague.
Only recently, after my father’s death, did I have a name for what my father had.
Bipolar Disorder.
I wanted to know all I could about this mental illness as I believe knowledge is power. What I found is there is still a stigma attached to it. I’m happy that just recently there has been some YAs that have addressed this and other mental health issues. I thought I’d share some of my favorites. I believe these books NEED to be out there and I’m a huge advocate for them.\
Young girl dealing with bipolar disorder flees being put in mental institution to find biological mother in small Texan town. She later finds out that maybe she’s not as crazy as she thought. I loved the way the author shows us a strong protagonist who refuses to be ignored while battling her own demons and the ones in her town.
I love Ellen’s books so much. She’s not afraid to write unflinching tales with their honest portrayals of teens. IMPULSE is one of my favorites as it shows teens in a mental hospital dealing with some very intense issues. The companion novel PERFECT is another must read.
This powerful, haunting tale follows a teen that cuts herself as one way to deal with the pain of her sexual abuse.
I read this book in high school back in the later 1970s. This is a very gritty portrayal of a schizophrenic teen who ends up in a mental hospital battling reality. Little did I know why this book felt so hauntingly real to me. My own father was dealing with the same issues.
BAD GIRLS CLUB by Judy Gregerson
This book also deals with schizophrenia but only this time around it’s the parent. What I loved about this book is how realistic it is on how a teen deals with her mentally ill mother without help. I know how lonely that can be. A must read.
This is a great novel that shows a teen dealing with panic attacks.
This story of a teen, who has to use prime numbers in everything, is haunting and very powerful. One huge plus for this book is it shows a boy’s POV on how he deals with OCD.
This is another one of my favorites that deals with OCD and how how the teen tries to find inner strength.
I still remember hearing Jay read the beginning of this at a SCBWI Agent Day event and getting chills. This is one of those haunting tales that stays with you.
A huge plus for me in this novel is how Garsee shows what happens when someone doesn't take their meds. I've seen this in my own family and it's just as scary as it's shown in this novel.
Rinn's haunting descent into madness is chilling. I love how it's not over the top but rather subtle. You can't tell if it's the disorder talking or the ghost.
The ending is shocking and caught me off guard. Love that!
A must read for paranormal fans that shows bipolar disorder in a realistic
(TLT review of The Unquiet)
Kim Baccellia is an author as well as a PR and Online Marketing associate for Mont9Books. You can find her at @ixtumea on Twitter or at www.kim-baccellia.com. You can also find her reviewing books at YA Books Central. Find out about Kim's books - Earrings of Ixtumea, Crossed Out and No Goddess Allowed - at her website.
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