Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Book Thief by Zusak

The Book Thief tells the story of Liesel Meminger, a young German foster child living in a small town during the late 1930s and early 1940s. The Holocaust makes a powerful enough story, but this novel is narrated by Death, himself.
Death is developed into an interesting character as narrator of the novel. His personality is believable as told from the point of view of his job, as one who has to carry away the dead souls. Death is sensitive and wise and lays the story out for his readers trying as much as possible to spare everyone emotional pain.
Rudy becomes one of Liesel’s best friends, as well as her neighbor. Hans is her stepfather, who guides her through life with his caring. Rosa is her mother, who pretends to be gruff and unbending. Zusak is an excellent writer who makes each one of these characters come alive, with the telling of their story.
This is a powerful book which everyone should read. The format is unique, the
foreshadowing and narration powerful.

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