Timur Bekmambetov Plans One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy
Source: Variety , Stephen Tunney
January 11, 2012
Timur Bekmambetov, through his Bazelevs Productions, plans to develop a big screen adaptation of Stephen Tunney's One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy. Variety has the word, saying that Edward Ricourt is attached to adapt the text. The novel is described as follows on the official site:
Two thousand years in the future, the Moon has become a run-down experiment in terraforming and colonization with a dusty patina and a bright red sky. To sixteen-year-old Hieronymus Rexaphin, it is the only world he has ever known until he meets a girl from Earth called Windows Falling on Sparrows, who is inexplicably drawn to him because of his special--some say dangerous--condition. Hieronymus is a One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy who can see the fourth primary color, which gives him the ability to see the future path of time and matter. To look into his eyes will cause madness or even death, authorities say, so he is forced to wear goggles at all times. The color of his eyes is against Lunar law, and some say against nature. After breaking the Moon s most serious law and exposing his eyes to the curious young Earth girl, Hieronymus embarks on a tremendous misadventure to protect his friends and save his family, and to escape exile and imprisonment on the far side of the moon.
At the moment Bekmambetov is only attached as a producer, though he could potentially direct the project as well. His next, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, hits theaters on June 22nd.
Read more: Timur Bekmambetov Plans One Hundred Percent Lunar Boy - ComingSoon.net http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=85889#ixzz1jGBlhD00
Dotti Enderle